Đừng Bao Giờ Coi Thường Người Khác, Never Look Down on Others

It is from the short film called Đừng Bao Giờ Coi Thường Người Khác, Never Look Down on Others (Vietnam 2019) President M/F president's daughter, hitting with a feather duster stick on her bottom, position of standing. The president's daughter loves dancing and doesn't listen to her father. 

A short narrative film about a president's daughter who loves dancing but is forbidden by her family. She runs away to learn dancing and is spanked by her father but is not afraid. Finally, with determination, the girl won first prize in the dancing competition and her family understood. Vietnamese language and subtitles https://ok.ru/video/7399623953083 and https://vk.com/video439874628_456240002?list=ln-nFaVr9hZ0BCbSteiAW


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