Fatty and Mabel's Simple Life

 These are from the old short silent movie called Fatty and Mabel's Simple Life (USA 1915) 1. M/M one whack with a stick on his ass, position of standing and jumping, in front of a young lady, 2. M/M the same persons, one blow with the stick on his bum, position of bend over, in front of the young lady. Those men were doing mischievous things there, 3. Daddy M/F daughter, spanking with his hand, position of bend over and standing. She is herself grabbing her spanked butt after that. After the spanking her dad locks her in the room. Her father wants to force her to marry a man she does not love, even with the help of the spanking. Fatty is a farm hand at Mabel's father's place. He and Mabel love each other, but dad wants to marry Mabel off to the landowner's son in exchange for a debt cancellation which they have at them https://ok.ru/video/7346020223675 and https://vk.com/video439874628_456239933?list=ln-Z96iCzzT3ZgOhatTPR 


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