Little Crackers, Season 1., Episode 5. Stephen Fry's Little Cracker Bunce

 These are from the TV Series called Little Crackers, Season 1., Episode 5. Stephen Fry's Little Cracker Bunce (United Kingdom 2010) 1. Headmaster M/m pupil, caning, position of bend over a desk, in the headmaster's office, off-screen. Only the sounds of the corporal punishment are heard. The boy was banned to go shopping in a village shop, 2. The same Headmaster M/m the same pupil, caning too, unclear position, in the headmaster's office, off-screen. There are just heard sounds of the physical punishment. The boy is sitting on a wooden chair with four pillows under his posterior after being caned. The boy again broke the rule to go shopping in a village shop. English language and


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