Вечерний звон, Vecherniy zvon

 These are from the film called Вечерний звон, Vecherniy zvon (Russia 2004) 1. An older woman F/m hint of whacking with a wet switch, position of standing, walking and bend over, no actually spanking. She has just before taken the switch out of the barrel full of water, 2. M/m spanking, unknown position, in the house, off-screen. Only sounds of corporal punishment can be heard there. There's a boy complaining that it is painful, 3. M/m spanking with a strap or the wet switch, unknown position, in the house, completely off-screen. The older woman strongly asks him to punish him. Russian language https://ok.ru/video/6775643507387 and https://vk.com/video439874628_456239148?list=ln-yUD7ZWHZ29q4eLpstI 


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