The Spots on My Leopard aka Vang Vir My 'n Droom
Those are from the movie called The Spots on My Leopard aka Vang Vir My 'n Droom (South Africa, USA 1974) 1. Headmaster M/mm pupils, striking with a cane on their posteriors, unknown position, in the headmaster's office totally off-screen. They got that caning for fighting. One of them says he got three strokes and the other says four, 2. Headmaster M/m pupil, four hits with a cane on his bottom, position of bend over a desk, in the headmaster's office, mostly off-screen. They are heard sounds of the corporal punishment. His female teacher brought him to the headmaster's office because he was doing mischief in the class, 3. The same headmaster and pupil M/m, caning on his butt, position of bend over the desk, in the headmaster's office, off-screen. There are only heard sounds of the physical punishment. He let a budgie fly of the female teacher away. Afrikaans language and English subtitles and
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