Zhŕňajova nevesta

 These scenes are from the fairytale called Zhŕňajova nevesta (Czechoslovakia 1978) 1. M/F one slap on her ass, position of standing, 2. Brother M/F sister one smack on her butt, position of standing, 3. F/M smacking with branches of needles, position of standing, 4. Farmer M/F maid, one smack on her bottom, position of standing and running, 5. M/F old woman one slap on her bum, position of standing, 6. M/F  one ligt smack on her butt, position of standing and running, 7. F/M hitting with the wooden spoon, position of standing, 8. Several guys M/M greedy farmer, hitting with sticks and one paddle, position of bend over the bench. They closed him in the duvet cover. He wanted to secretly watch his wife through a hole in the duvet cover. He didn't know they were going to thrash him. He thought they wanted to beat out dust from the duvet. 

The rich farmer Zhŕňaj is such a greedy man that he will not even marry, so that he does not have to feed his wife and he will not allow it to his servant. The servant invents the deception - when the farmer goes to the city, he notices a girl on the way who sings that she does not eat, she only lives from the air. That would be a woman! Hardworking and nothing would cost him! The girl agrees to marry to him. Only when he thinks it seems she's become prettier from the air, he start to suspect her that she normally eats https://ok.ru/video/7062325693115 and https://vk.com/video439874628_456239588?list=ln-F6gAezjf4yozDh7kg1 and https://mega.nz/file/SKRXXSiB#QErLJgPj0HxGxRHGhm3QRUqMoY8gkLu-8dUM3FvsUl4


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