
Showing posts from October, 2022

S&M Sally

 These are from the movie called S&M Sally (USA 2015) 1. M/F light smacking with unknown objects also on her posterior, position of standing, 2. M/F twirling a whip standing behind her, position of slightly bend, 3. M/F mild smacking with two whips also on her bottom dressed in her panties, position of bend over, 4. F/F guy type, light flogging with three whips, position of standing. The scenes are role playing and sexually motivated. English language and  and

Adrift in Manhattan

 It is from the movie called Adrift in Manhattan (USA 2007) M/F spanking with his hand on her bare butt, position of lying on the bed, sexual context. She is verbally impeling him: - Hit me! Harder... - English language  and  and

Yours for the Asking

 The scene is from the movie called Yours for the Asking (USA 1936) M/F spanking with his hand, position of bend over his lap. The first shot of the spanking is from some distance, but the second is a closer one. English language

โซ่เสน่หา, Chains of Affection, Episode 5.

 This is from the TV Series called โซ่เสน่หา, Chains of Affection, Episode 5. (Thailand 2017) Disabled woman in wheelchair F/F hitting with a long rod, position of kneeling down on the floor. The impacts of the rod are not visible

Boardwalk Empire, Season 3., Episode 6. Ging Gang Goolie

 It is from the TV Series called Boardwalk Empire, Season 3., Episode 6. Ging Gang Goolie (USA 2012) Mama F/m son, quite hard spanking with her hand, position of standing. The boy had set fire to a greenhouse, but he lied that he did not do it. English language

Je suis la fessée

 The scene is from the short movie called Je suis la fessée (France 2016) Mom F/m son, spanking with her hand, position of lay over her lap, partially off-screen. The son is bringing his mother a book about parental spanking. The boy is breaking the vase so she has a reason to spank him. Mom is learning how to spank him according to the book. French language and English subtitles