

 These are from the movie called They/Them/Us (USA 2021) 1. Man with a black balaclava on his head M/FF one blow with a batten on their butts, position of bend across special pieces of furniture. Impacts of the batten are not visible, 2. F/MF striking with whips on their backsides, position of bend across the special pieces of furniture. The guy is the man with the black balaclava on his head from the previous scene, 3. F/M the guy with the balaclava again, lashing with a whip, unclear position, partially off-screen, 4. F/F swishing with a whip, position of bend across the special piece of furniture, 5. M/F hint of spanking with his hand, position of on all fours being on a bed, no actually spanking. She asked him to spank her like her dad, but he didn't agree because he felt like he was spanking his son in a parental spanking, 6. Lady with big butt F/M hitting with a strap, position of hanging on a special lifting device. Impacts of the strap are not seen. She had previously put a...

Bound Heat: Stolen Souls aka Chained Fury: Lesbian Slave Desires

 The scenes are from the film called Bound Heat: Stolen Souls aka Chained Fury: Lesbian Slave Desires (Canada, Czechia 2003) 1. Head of a stud farm disguised as nurse F/F captive, thrashing with a whip on her almost bare bottom, position of kneeling down on the floor. After those blows red streaks appear on her ass. The female boss treats the sore bum of the female captive with some healing solution after the flogging. This is how the boss enforces the obedience of the female captives after they arrive at the farm. They want to gradually train them there and turn them into sex slaves, 2. F/F one gentle pat with her hand on her almost naked backside, position of standing, playfully. These scenes are in erotic context. English language and